Continuous Integration (CI) FAQs
Can we enable BuildKit support for the native build and push step?
Currently, our OOTB build and push step utilize Kaniko for building Docker images. To incorporate BuildKit support we would need to use dind build in a run step and more details about dind build can be reffered here
Account verification error for CI Builds (Free Trial account with hosted builds)
Recently Harness has been the victim of several Crypto attacks that use our freely hosted build to mine cryptocurrencies. Unfortunately, to protect our infrastructure, we now block the use of the cloud-hosted-builds infrastructure only to business domains and block it for general-use domains like Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo and other untrusted emails.
To address these issues, you can do one of the following: Provide your own build infrastructure (like a VM with docker or a Kubernetes cluster). We have no limitations on building using your own infrastructure. Creating the Harness account with your work email and not a Gmail address will solve this problem.
Can we change the Git Connector of a template and keep the version, repo, etc?
There's direct option to change such things. Go to template listing page, click on 3 dots on any template for further options and you will see "edit git metadata" option over there.
How do I share data between steps in a CI stage?
We could use shared paths to allow steps within a stage to share data with each other. You can specify custom paths for data sharing or cache purposes. For more information, go to Share data across steps and stages. For example, you can save and restore a cache from an Amazon S3 bucket.
Is it possible to use different build infrastructures within a pipeline?
Yes, you can configure different build infrastructures for each stage within a pipeline. This flexibility allows you to use the most suitable infrastructure for each part of your CI workflow.
How can we configure a specific step to only run when a certain file, like a .toml configuration file, has changed in the repository?
To achieve conditional step execution based on changes to a specific file, you can set up webhook triggers with file-based conditions. Configure the trigger to activate the step only when the targeted file (e.g., config.toml) has been modified in the repository.
How can we share a failed step's output in a pull request comment as part of a CI pipeline execution?
Below given one of the methods with which we could achieve this.
- Modify the failed step's command to save output to a file:
your_command 2>&1 | tee output_file.log
- Read the file's content in a subsequent step which is configured to run always
- Use the GitHub API to add a comment to the pull request, including details from the file.
How can we calculate the instance of a service where number of pods change?
We can calculate the service licenses and instances in following methods for CG and NG both.
- List services deployed in the last 30 days. Service is considered in calculation even if it was part of any failed deployments
- For every found service we find the 95th Percentile of the number of its service instances across a period of 30 days and it represents active service instances
- Based on service instances we calculate the number of consumed licenses
- 1 service license is equal to 20 active service instances
Please find an example here
What should we do on experiencing OOM on java heap for the delegate?
Try increasing the CPU request and limit both. Check CPU utilization in-case.
Does Harness encrypt the image tag for the container during rollout deployment output?
No, we don't. Try checking SHA of the tag and find image ID from the output of the service step with the <+artifact.tag>
Does Harness "run container" overwrites the container entrypoint?
Yes, it is an expected behavior. The entrypoint in the base image should be overwritten as we have to run the commands specified in the run step.
How can I list the internal images that CI uses?
For information about images that Harness CI uses to execute builds, including how to find a list of images, go to Harness CI images.
Does Harness limit the length of a log line?
Yes, there is a single-line limit of 25KB. If an individual line exceeds this limit, it is truncated and ends with (log line truncated)
. Furthermore, there is an overall log limit of 5MB per step. Harness truncates logs larger than 5MB.
If you need to extract long log lines or logs larger than 5MB, include a Run step in your pipeline that writes the logs to a file and uploads the file as an artifact. For more information, go to Troubleshoot CI: Truncated execution logs.
When we pull artifact/images do we store them on delegate?
CI step build runs on separate build pod which will be cleaned automatically after the execution and we don't store any images locally on the delegate as part of the execution.
We have Kubernetes delegates with multiple instances and have noticed that during some executions, the same instance in each step and causes the pipeline to fail, as one delegate may have a file and the other instance does not. How can we ensure the same instance is used for each step?
The workaround here is to use single replica delegates for these types of tasks and use a delegate name selector (this might compromise on delegate's high availability although)
Can we skip manually creating the kubeconfig when using the native EKS deployment method in AWS, since we provide connection details in the AWS connector?
Yes, we do not need to create the kubeconfig file manually. We just need to have this binary installed on the delegate aws-iam-authenticator
. Please refer more on this in the following Documentation
Is it supported to run docker-compose from the docker in docker step?
Yes, it's supported to run the docker-compose from the docker in docker step.
The container that execute the Run command step, it must have docker and docker CLI installed right in order for this to work?
Yes, user need to install docker and docker CLI in order to work.
If the "Run test" steps fails the Post-Command script will run or not?
No, the Post-Command script will only run if the "Run test" step pass.
Is there a way to use the newer version of kaniko?
Yes, you can update the kaniko image as suggested in this doc.
Using <+codebase.gitUser> results in "None" when using Python as Shell for a Run step
The problem here is that none of the 'codebase' variables are being populated when push triggers fires. The solution is to populate the 'codebase' variables to clone the codebase.
I'm getting Error: ErrImagePull
. What does this mean?
This means that target image is not available in the repository it's being pulled from or there are networking issues.
I'm seeing Failed to pull image "": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: unknown: Not Found
. What does this mean?
It means the harness internal image, in this case ci-addon:1.16.22
, is not present in your artifact repository and you are using the account.harnessImage
connector for your artifact repository in Harness. You can use this connector to pull your own images, but it is also used to pull Harness CI images. Modifying this connector can cause it to fail to pull necessary CI images.
You can proxy and pull Harness CI images from your own repository and configure the account.harnessImage
connector (or another connector) to connect to the Harness container image registry or pull images from your own registry.
Why did the CI stage still go through despite setting a freeze window?
Freeze windows only apply to CD stages.
Does Kaniko build use images cached locally on the node?
By default Kaniko does not use the node cache. it performs a full container image build from scratch, so it will always pull the base image. If we want to use cache then specify Remote Cache Repository
option in the build step. If not specified it will always be executed with caching disabled
Why is the PATH Variable Overwritten in Parallel GitHub Actions Steps?
The PATH variable can be overwritten when running parallel steps in GitHub Actions because these steps could modify the PATH variable depens on which step ran last. When these steps run in parallel, a race condition occurs, and only one of them will be able to set the PATH variable correctly. To avoid this, consider running these steps sequentially in your workflow.
Can I enable caching in Kaniko builds which is being used by the CI build and push step?
Yes, you can enable caching in Kaniko builds by utilizing the Remote Cache Repository option in the build step settings. This option allows Kaniko to leverage previously built layers that haven't changed, which can significantly speed up the image building process.
Can pipeline execution be aborted when the referenced branch is deleted?
This is not natively supported however we could have a pipeline listening on delete webhook event and abort all the running pipelines referencing the deleted branch via API.
Why can't we find the Notify Option in my Stage Template?
The absence of the 'Notify' option in the Stage template is expected behavior as the notifications are configured at the pipeline level and it is not available at the individual stage level. Therefore, you won't find the 'Notify' option when creating a stage-level template.
How Can I Set Up Notifications for Failures in Stage Templates?
While notifications are a pipeline-level setting and not available at the stage level, you can still set up notifications for failures in your Stage templates. You can achieve this by adding a plugin step in a CI stage that sends notifications. Harness supports drone plugins like email and Slack, which can be used to notify about failures.
Why is the CI Initialize step failing with a Null Value Error when a step is configured with looping Strategy?
This could happen when you use an expression for an output variable from a previous step under the repeat looping strategy in the subsequent step. In CI stages, the execution happens on separate build pods, and all the expressions needs to be available before we start the initialize step.
Why does the Harness step continue to show success even after executing exit 1 inside a bash function that is running in background in the script?
The step in Harness determines its status based on the exit status received from the script execution. When you call a function in the background within your script, it doesn't directly impact the exit status of the main script. Therefore, if you manually call exit 1 within the function, it won't cause the step to fail. This behavior is consistent with how scripts operate both inside and outside of Harness.
How can we configure the CI codebase step to clone the repo recursively?
Currently, the clone codebase step doesn't support the flag recursive However you could use the git credentials from Codebase Connector in Run Step and run the git command with the required flags. More details about this can be reffered in the below doc
Why the build status is not reflecting on the PR if the repository is in a github orginisation despite having full permission for the token used in the git connector?
This could be due to the fact that the user/account that is added to the organization using a repository role which doesnt have enough permission to write to the repository. If the repository role doesnt have enough permission, the PAT user account used in the git connector will not be able to update the PR even if the token has full permission.
How can we send mail from the CI pipeline with an attachement?
You could send mail from the CI pipeline by using the drone plugin More details about how the drone plugin can be used in Harness CI pipeline can be reffered in the below doc
How can I retrieve the Maven project version from the pom.xml file and pass it to the subsequent Docker build step as the build argument?
You could assign the version value to a variable in a run step with a command something similar to version=$(cat pom.xml | grep -oP '(?<=<version>)[^<]+')
and then this variable can be configured as the output variable in the run step. In the subsequent build step you could use this output variable from the previous run step as the build argument using an expression similar to <+pipeline.stages.test.spec.execution.steps.Run_2.output.outputVariables.version>
(In this example, stage name=test, step name=Run_2 and the output variable name is version)
Why the changes made on the container image filesystem in a CI step is not available in the subseqent step where the same container image is used?
When we pick a container image for a step, any changes we make there will only affect that step. The next step won't notice these changes even we use the same image unless we edit the /harness
directory, which is automatically shared among all steps.
Resource allocations for Kubernetes
Running a CI build on Kubernetes build infrastructure. Customers can utilize CPU and Memory resource allocations per Run Step and Run Test Step.
What kind of build infrastructure can I use?
Harness supports multiple types of operating systems and architecture. Including Linux, MacOS, and Windows. For more details please check out our documentation on this capability: []
Cache Intelligence on Harness Cloud Infrastructure
Harness only currently supports cache intelligence on the Harness Cloud infrastructure. See
Additional considerations when running concurrent builds
While running concurrent builds, customers may want to consider the Queue Intelligence feature of Harness CI. This feature is behind a feature flag.
How to assert an environment variable within JEXL conditions?
While we support output variables that can point to an environment variable, we do not support the direct referencing of environment variables in JEXL conditions, even when using the feature flag CI_OUTPUT_VARIABLES_AS_ENV
, which automatically makes environment variables available for other steps in the same Build (CI) stage.
How can I download files from an S3 bucket in Harness?
You have two common options to download files from an S3 bucket in Harness:
- Using the "Save and Restore Cache from S3" Step: You can achieve this by utilizing the Save and Restore Cache from S3 step. This step is specifically designed for downloading files from S3 and simplifies the process.
- Custom Shell Script: Alternatively, you can create a custom shell script by following the guidelines outlined in the shell script documentation. This approach offers more flexibility, allowing you to tailor the download operation to your specific needs and preferences.
How are Harness secrets tied to connector.
Customers should be mindful of the fact that connectors are often tied to a secret (password or sshkey) that may expire. This is often a common cause of execution failures with connector errors.
You have security concerns with pulling Harness delegate images from a public repo?
You can add special Harness Container Image Registry connector to your Harness account. With this connector, the Delegate pulls these images from the Harness Container Image Registry only.
See link for more details []
Is it possible to get the logs of a service running in Harness cloud VM when a specific run step is executing?
Yes. We could add a parallel step to the run step and tail the service specific logs to get all the logs while the build is running. A similar use case is documented here
What access Harness uses by default to pull the harness internal images from the public repo?
Harness uses anonymous access to Docker Hub to pull Harness images by default. This can be updated if required.
What is the default cpu and memory limit for a step container?
The default CPU limit is 400m and the memory limit is 500Mi
How can we update the CPU/memory allocation of a container step running in Harness cloud?
There is no option available in UI to update the CPU/memory allocation of a container step running in Harness Cloud as the step container can use as much as CPU/memory required up to the available resources in the build VM.
Why the debug mode ssh session is getting closed after sometime?
SSH debug session will automatically terminate after one hour or at the step timeout limit, whichever occurs first
When we run the pipeline in debug mode, do we need to have a step failure in order to be able to remotely connect to the build pod/VM?
Yes. The remote debug ssh session details will only be shown after a step failure when you run the pipeline in debug mode
How can we get the remote rebug session of a pipeline running without any failure for troubleshooting purpose?
Remote debug session will only be presented if there is a failure in the pipeline. If the pipeline is executing successfully but we still want to have the debug session for troubleshooting purpose, we could add a run step with command exit 1
which will fail the build and you can then rerun it in debug mode
Why can we not see the option Re-run in debug mode
for a new pipeline?
Debug mode is not available for the first build of the pipeline. We should run the pipeline atleast once to be able to run it in debug mode.
Can we reuse the same build VM between different CI stages execution?
No, We will terminate the VM right after a stage execution and a new VM will be used for the nect CI stage execution.
Why do we have mulitple build VMs in running state even if there is no active builds?
We could have configured the value for the pool size in pool.yaml with a value more than 1 which will make sure that the configured number of VMs are in ready state and these VMs will be used when the new build request comes.
What is PLUGIN_USERNAME & PLUGIN_PASSWORD used in the jfrog command executing as part of Upload Artifacts to JFrog Artifactory
This is the creds used to upload the artifact to the jfrog artifactory and this is taken from the artifactory connector
Can we run Upload Artifacts to JFrog Artifactory
step with non root user?
No, jfrog command execution will be creating a folder .jfrog
under / which will fail if the plugin is running with non root user
Can we mount our internal CA certs in the CI build pod?
With a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure, you can make the certs available to the delegate pod, and then set DESTINATION_CA_PATH
, provide a list of paths in the build pod where you want the certs to be mounted, and mount your certificate files to opt/harness-delegate/ca-bundle
. For more information, go to Configure a Kubernetes build farm to use self-signed certificates.
With a local runner build infrastructure, you can use CI_MOUNT_VOLUMES
to use self-signed certificates. For more information, go to Set up a local runner build infrastructure.
How can we include the internal CA certs available in the delegate pod?
There are multiple ways we could achive this. We could either build the delegate image with the certs baked into it if we are custom building the delegate image or we could create a secret/configmap with the certs data and mount it on the delegate pod. We could also run some custom commands in the INIT_SCRIPT to download the certs while the delegate gets started and make them available to the delegate pod file system.
Where should we mount the internal certs on the build pod?
The usage of the mounted CA certificates depends on the specific container image used for the step. The default certificate location may vary depending on the base image employed. The location where the certs need to be mounted should be decided based on the container image being used for the steps.
How can we configure the failure strategy for the clone codebase step in a CI pipeline?
We wouldn't be able to cofigure failure strategy for the defalt implicit clone codebase step. However you can add a git clone step in the pipeline for which the failure strategy configuration will be available.
How can we clone the codebase to a different folder other than /harness
The implicit clone codebase step will always clone the repo to /harness
. If we want to choose a different folder as the target folder, we could you the git clone step which will allow us to use a custom path as the clone directory
How can we configure the build pod to communicate with the k8s API server?
By default, default service account of the namespace will be auto mounted on the build pod through which it can communicate with API server. If we want another service account to be mounted on the build pod, it can be configured as advanced infra configuration.
Do we always need to mount a k8s service account in the build pod?
It is not needed if the build pod does not neded to comunicate with the k8s API as part of the pipeline execution.
What types of volumes can be mounted on a CI build pod?
We have the option to mount various volume types, such as empty directory, host path, and persistent volume, onto the build pod. This configuration is available under the advanced section of the infrastructure settings.
What volume will be created when we add a shared path in a CI pipeline?
When a shared path is added in the CI pipeline, we will create an empty directory type volume and this volume will be mounted on all the step containers.
Is there a way to skip the default clone codebase step in CI pipeline as it seems to be added with all the execution automatically?
Yes, We can disable the implicit clone codebase step under pipeline overview tab
Why is the initialize step is occusionally timeout at 8 minutes?
Eight minutes is the default time out of the initialization step however if the build pod is expected to pull any large images, we could increase this init timeout in the advanced section of the infrastructure configuration.
How can we configure the build pod to run on a specific k8s node as part of troubleshooting?
We could set up the node selector for the build pod within the advanced section of the infrastructure configuration.
Why is the execution failing with the error Error: container has runAsNonRoot and image has non-numeric user (harness), cannot verify user is non-root
, when we enable "Run as Non-Root"?
This happens when you enable the option "Run as Non-Root" but not configured the default USRID. When we enable the option "Run as Non-Root", we need to configure a default user ID for all step containers in the Run as User field.
What is the default user ID assigned to a step container?
By default, the step containers will be running with USERID 1000 and this can be configured in the step's optional configuration
How is the step containers named within the build pod?
Step containers are named in sequential numbers, starting with 'step-1'
Why is the step container's have a very less memory and CPU value configured as requests?
Step container's requests are always set to minimum so that only in case of need the additional resources are requested during execution.
Why is background step is always marked as succeess even if there are failures executing the entrypoint?
This is expected behaviour as we start background step and will immedeatly move on to next step by marking the step status as success. We should be having a subsequent run step to check if the services being started as part of the background step is accessible before trying to use them in the pipeline.
How can we configure a step/stage/pipeline to fail/pass based on the % of test cases failure/success?
We wouldn't be able to natively configure a stage/pipeline to fail/pass depending the % of test cases failure/success. To achieve this use case, we would need to manually parse the test result which will be created after the test step execution and have few variables exported from the test step which will have the % of test cases failure/success and then the value of this variable can decide the status of the stage/pipeline.
How can we reduce the high execution time in build and push step because the pipeline is not able to cache a remote repo?
You can reconfigure the docker file to create the cache layer and install the dependencies before moving other files to improve the execution time.
How can we improve the build process duration apart from cache layer?
You can increase the Memory and CPU of the Build and Push step to improve the build process duration.
Is there any best practices to follow while implementing the pipeline for build time?
Yes, you can refer to our documentation to optimize and enhance the build process.
How can I reduce the time spent on downloading dependencies during CI builds?
You can pre-build Docker images that include all required dependencies and periodically update these images with the latest dependencies. This approach minimizes download time during the build process.
What are the benefits of excluding unnecessary files and packages from Docker images?
Excluding unnecessary files and packages not only reduces build times but also results in smaller, more efficient, and portable Docker images.
What is a workspace in a pipeline, and how does it work?
Workspace is a temporary volume that is created when the pipeline runs. It serves as the current working directory for all the steps within a stage. During initialization, the pipeline clones your codebase to the root of this workspace. The workspace persists for the entire duration of the stage, allowing steps to communicate and share state information.
Is workspace persists after the stage completion?
No, the workspace is destroyed when the stage ends.
Can I share additional volumes between steps in a stage?
Yes, you can share additional volumes between steps in a stage by adding Shared Paths in the Build stage settings. This will allows you to specify specific directories or locations for all steps in the stage can access and share data from, in addition to the default workspace.
What is Harness Cloud's cache storage limit per account?
Harness Cloud provides up to 2GB of cache storage per account.
What is the cache retention window in Harness Cloud?
Cache retention window in Harness Cloud is set at 15 days after it is initially stored. Also, the retention window resets whenever the cache is updated or modified.
Can different pipelines within the same account access and use the same cache storage?
The cache storage is shared among all pipelines within the account.
What is the default cache storage location in Cache Intelligence?
By default, Cache Intelligence stores data to be cached in the /harness directory.
How do I specify custom cache paths in Cache Intelligence?
To specify custom cache paths in Cache Intelligence, you can provide a list of locations that you want to be cached. For the detailed process you can refer to this doc.
Can I use custom cache paths on a Windows platform with Cache Intelligence?
Yes, you can use custom cache paths, including on Windows platforms, with Cache Intelligence.
How does Harness generate cache keys for caching build artifacts?
Harness generates cache keys by creating a hash of the build lock file(s) detected during the build process. Examples of lock files include pom.xml, build.gradle, or package.json. The contents of these files are used to compute a unique hash, which serves as the cache key.
Can I manually set or customize cache keys in Harness?
Yes, we have a option to manually set or customize cache keys if your project has specific requirements. For the process you refer to this doc.
Is there any API available for the Cache Intelligence?
Yes, you can check the cache info and delete through the API. You can refer to this doc for the API.
How many build credits are we allowed to use with Harness free version
Free monthly credits for up to 2,000 build minutes.
I want to develop a build built for MacOS, do I have to use homebrew as the installer?
No, Harness also supports multiple versions of xcode. Please see our document on iOS and macOS applications for more details []
Which Drone plugins are supported in Harness CI?
You can build your own plugins or use one of the many preexisting plugins from the Drone Plugins Marketplace, GitHub Actions Marketplace, or the Bitrise Integrations library. Yes, for details, go to Use plugins.
Using GCS to cache and restore between Steps?
Yes, for details, go to Save and Restore Cache from GCS.
How to use Background step settings?
Use Background steps to manage dependent services that need to run for the entire lifetime of a Build stage. For details, go to Background step settings.
How to build and push artifacts and images?
You can use Harness CI to upload artifacts, such as Docker images or test results. For details, go to Build and push artifacts and images.
How to Use Harness Cloud build infrastructure?
With Harness Cloud, you can run builds in isolation on Harness-hosted VMs that are preconfigured with tools, packages, and settings commonly used in CI pipelines For details, go to Harness Cloud build infrastructure.
How to create and configure a codebase?
CI pipelines build and test code that is pulled from a Git code repository. When you add a Build stage to a CI pipeline, you can select a code repo connector that connects to the Git account or repository where your code is stored. For details, go to Create and configure a codebase.
CI codebase variables reference
In Harness CI, you set up a codebase by creating a Harness connector that connects to a Git repo. For details, go to CI codebase variables reference.
How do I use Test Intelligence?
Harness Test Intelligence (TI) improves unit test time by running only the unit tests required to confirm the quality of the code changes that triggered the build
For information about how TI works and how to enable it, go to Test Intelligence overview.
Does Harness CI support Multilayer caching?
Yes, for details, go to
Does Harness CI support script execution?
Yes, for details, go to Run scripts.
Why are my builds from over 30 days ago not appearing on the Project Overview page?
Often overlooked, you can check the timescale for the overview page. By default, it is set to 30 days.
Builds dashboard is not showing a previous deployment, why?
Please check the timescale control on the dashboard. This is set to 30 days by default. You can adjust this scale to display older builds.
Why am I getting an error when trying to run a docker command on a Windows build server?
Please make sure that the build server has 'Windows Subsystem for Linux' installed. It is possible that the failure is due to the container not being able to start on the build system.
What is a build infrastructure and why is it needed for a CI Stage?
All stages have an infrastructure definition, which represents the build infrastructure used by a CI pipeline: the target clusters, hosts, and so on. Build infrastructure components and specifications depend on the build infrastructure you choose.
Can Test Intelligence speed up my build times?
You can speed up your test cycles by running only the unit tests required to confirm the quality of the code changes that triggered a build. Test Intelligence
What are some of the other benefits of Test intelligence?
Test Intelligence also identifies negative trends and provides actionable insights to improve quality.
How can Harness input sets help automate a CI pipeline?
Input sets are a collection of runtime inputs for a Pipeline execution. With input sets, you can use the same pipeline for multiple scenarios. You can define each scenario in an input set or overlay, and then select the appropriate scenario when you execute the pipeline.
How is a Codebase utilized?
When adding a Build stage to a CI pipeline, specify the Git account and repository where your code is stored.
Which Codebase is utilized during a build deployment?
The codebase declared in the first stage of a pipeline becomes the pipeline's default codebase
What is the build credit limit for Harness Free version?
Upto 2,000 build minutes are possible with the Harness free version.
Can I use xcode on a MacOS build system as part of Harness Cloud?
Yes, several different versions of xcode as well as homebrew are installed on the default MacOS image.
Harness Platform Rate limits
Please note that harness does limit accessive API and execution limitations. Harness does reserve the right to change these limits. See site fore more details []
How to view changes in a Harness Pipeline between deployments
Harness allows users to compare changes to a pipeline YAML. This is often a useful tool to determine why a pipeline has changed behavior. See the site for more details []
What is Harness Rollback in the CI pipeline
Harness Rollback deployments initiate a rollback of the most recent successful execution. Note that this feature is behind a feature flag '''POST_PROD_ROLLBACK'''. Rollback deployments are currently supported by the following deployment types only (Kubernetes, Tanzu Application Services, Amazon ECS)
What does a failure strategy consist of?
First: Error conditions that trigger the failure strategy.
Second: Actions to take when the specified error conditions occur.
Where to store mvn project settings.xml in harness ci
You can add this settings.xml as a secret file in Harness and then configure a shell script so that this file goes to the desired directory in the build.
Override secrets in settings.xml at runtime
To share it between stages, use sharedpath
Share CI data across steps and stages
Control memory on "Run Tests" step using Harness Cloud
In the Harness Cloud this resource editing possibility is not available. Hence there is no way to control the memory like we can do for other infrastructure.
Where and how to add the sonar.projectVersion in our harness pipelines
It is necessary to add the step with the name "Configure Sonarqube" and in the field "Additional CLI Flags" add the following item as described below:
Additional CLI Flags:
Security step UI settings reference | Harness Developer Hub -
Can I push images without building?
Harness CI provides several options to upload artifacts. The Upload Artifact steps don't include a "build" component.
You can also build without pushing.
Can I use Harness CI for mobile app development?
Yes. Harness CI offers many options for mobile app development.
Does shared path in SAM Build Manifest shows where the download happens ?
No , shared paths does not dictate where the download happens. There could be multiple shared paths provided , but it does not mean our manifests would be downloaded in that shared path. More details on shared path can be read in the following Documentation
Is there a way to pass the branchname in update git metadata api ?
No, we dont have branch name as a input to the git metadata api, we can update only the connector, file path and the repository.
How can I change the path of the YAML file for the current pipeline to a non-default branch in another repository in git metadata api ?
As per the API, our objective is to modify the Git metadata that we have stored. GitX does not store the branch as metadata. To change the YAML file path for an existing pipeline to a non-default branch in a different repository, you can follow these steps:
- Copy the YAML file to the target repository's non-default branch.
- Import the YAML file from the Git repository. By following these steps, you can effectively change the path of the YAML file for your pipeline to a non-default branch in another repository.
Is it possible to trigger a CI stage by a trigger of type artifact ?
No, this feature is already requested and should be onboarded soon.
Where can I find all the listed Codebase options for CI ?
Please find available <+codebase.*>
listed for CI in the following Documentation
Why I can't toggle cache intelligence in my CI pipeline?
Currently, Cache Intelligence is only available for Linux and Windows platforms on Harness Cloud, the Harness-hosted build environment. For other build infrastructures, you can use Save and Restore Cache steps, such as Save and Restore Cache from S3, to include caching in your CI pipelines. For more information: Supported Build Infra
How to use an artifact generated on a different stage?
You could use the save/restore cache step or Harness cache intelligence to achieve this use case depending on where your build is running.
Is it possible to integrate our CI builds with the Datadog Pipeline Visibility feature?
We do not have OOTB support for Datadog Pipeline Visibility. However, I can suggest the following approach to push the pipeline event to a webhook endpoint: Link to documentation on webhook notifications.
How to store mvn project settings.xml in Harness CI?
You can achieve this by storing the XML as a secret and referring to it within a step. For example:
echo '<+secrets.getValue("account.[settingsXMLSecretID]")>' > settings.xml
Is it possible to publish custom data, such as outputs from variables or custom messages, strings, or any other information, in the Artifacts tab?
Currently, the only way to publish data in the Artifacts tab is by providing a URL to a publicly accessible location where the artifact is stored. If you do not have any public buckets, you can consider using a private bucket and generating a pre-signed URL to access the artifact. This URL can be used in the "file_urls" setting of the Artifact Metadata Publisher plugin to publish the artifact in the Artifacts tab. Another option is to use a different cloud storage provider that allows you to generate temporary URLs for private objects, such as Google Cloud Storage signed URLs or AWS S3 pre-signed URLs.
Why is the default entry point is not running for the container image used in the run step?
The default entry point would be overriden by the commands you specified in the command section of the run step
If the the default entry point is not executed for the container image used in the run step, how can we get the service started within a container which would usually be started as part of the default entry point?
You would need to use the background step in this usecase where we would execute the default entry point and run the container in dettached mode
How can we run the default entry point of the image used in the run step?
The commands specified in the command section of the run step will override the default entry point. You will need to manually run the default entry point by explicitly calling the script configured as the default entry point
Is it possible to use an image in the run step that does not include a shell?
In run step, the command is a required field and any shell should be available in the image used to be able to run the commands
What is the purpose of saving and restoring cache from GCS/S3 in Harness CI?
The purpose of saving and restoring cache from GCS/S3 in Harness CI is to improve build times and enable the sharing of data across different stages in your CI pipelines
Are there alternatives to saving and restoring cached data from GCS in Harness CI pipelines?
Yes, you can also save and restore cached data from other sources like S3 or use Harness Cache Intelligence for data management
What is the purpose of the "Fail if Key Doesn't Exist" option in the "Restore Cache from GCS" step?
This option determines whether the step should fail if the specified cache key doesn't exist in the GCS bucket. If selected, the step fails when the key is not found
Is privileged mode necessary for running DinD in Harness CI?
Yes, Docker-in-Docker (DinD) must run in privileged mode to function correctly
Are there any limitations to using DinD on platforms that do not support privileged mode?
DinD cannot be used on platforms that do not support privileged mode. For example, platforms that run containers on Windows or fargate nodes do not support privileged mode
What options are available for running health checks on background services in Harness CI?
You can add a run step to your pipeline to run health checks on background services to ensure they are up and running as expected. These checks help validate the service's readiness
What is the "Clone directory" setting for in the Git Clone step?
The "Clone directory" is an optional target path in the stage workspace where you want to clone the repository
What does the "Depth" setting control in the Git Clone step?
The "Depth" setting controls the number of commits to fetch when the step clones the repository. A depth of 0 fetches all commits from the relevant branch
why is the dind background step is failing with the error "Pod not supported on Fargate: invalid SecurityContext fields: Privileged"?
The error "Pod not supported on Fargate: invalid SecurityContext fields: Privileged" occurs because AWS Fargate does not support the use of privileged containers.
How can we reference the secret type output variable exported from CD/custome stage in CI stage?
Currently, the secret-type output variable exported from a step in a CD/custom stage is not supported in CI stage
Why the build status is not getting updated for approval stage?
Build status is updated at the stage level and happens only for the CI stage
What is the purpose of Background steps in CI stage?
Background steps are used to manage dependent services that need to run for the entire lifetime of a Build stage
Can Background steps run multiple services simultaneously?
Yes, you can set up your pipeline to run multiple background services, creating a local, multi-service application
What are the limitations of Background steps?
Background steps do not support failure strategies or output variables
How do we add a custom plugin to my CI pipeline in Harness?
We can add a custom plugin to the CI pipeline using a Plugin step in your Build stage
How can we run the custom plugin locally for testing?
Plugins are regular containers which would execute a predefined task. We can test the custom plugin in a local environment by running it as a Docker container with the required inputs
Can I specify multiple paths for test reports in a Run step?
Yes, you can specify multiple paths for test reports. Ensure that the reports do not contain duplicate tests when specifying multiple paths
What's the purpose of adding SCM_SKIP_SSL=true in the delegate YAML?
It skips SSL verification for SCM connections
Is there a way to store artifact URLs and display them in the Harness platform?
Yes, you can use the Artifact Metadata Publisher plugin to store artifact URLs and display them on the Artifacts tab in the Harness
What all operatig systems can we set up a local runner build infrastructure in CI?
We could set up a local runner build infrastructure on any Linux, macOS, or Windows host
How can I define the build infrastructure for a local runner in the pipeline?
After configuring delegate and runner, you need to set the pipeline's build infrastructure. You can do this in the pipeline's "Build" stage. You can specify the operating system and architecture for your build infrastructure
Where can I find the list of available Harness CI images?
You can find the list of available Harness CI images here
How often are Harness CI images updated?
Harness publishes updates for all CI images on the second and fourth Monday of each month. New versions of images are released every two weeks
Can I use my own private registry to store Harness CI images?
Yes, you can pull Harness CI images from your own private registry if you don't want to use the public container registry
Do we need to have docker installed on the VM where we would perform VM build via Harness CIE?
Yes, We should have docker installed on the VM
What does the 'Queued license limit reached' message indicate in the build UI?
The 'Queued license limit reached' message in the build UI signifies that the maximum concurrency limit has been reached, and new builds are queued for execution
From where does the "Build and Push to ECR" step pull the base images specified in the Dockerfile?
By default, "Build and Push to ECR" step downloads base images from the public contaier registry
How can we configure the "Build and Push to ECR" step to pull the base images from our internal container registry with authentication?
You could create a authenticated doccker connector and use that as the base image connector in "Build and Push to ECR" step
where does the build and push step expect the dockerfile to be present by default?
The Dockerfile is assumed to be in the root folder of the codebase
why is the test report is gettinng truncated in tests tab UI?
The Tests tab may display content truncated if a field in your test report XML file surpasses 8,000 characters, as there is an 8,000-character limit per field
Is the "Tests" tab in CI Build execution tied to Test Intelligence?
No. You could add the test report path in runstep, background step etc and the test results will be appeared in tests tab of the execution if the test report is in junit format.
When I run a build, Harness creates a new pod and doesn't run the build on the delegate.
This is the expected behavior. When you run a CI (Build) stage, the steps create build farm pods that are connected to the delegate.
Can we use <+codebase.commitSha> variable in CD Stage to get commit id?
Yes you can able to get the commit id by using <+codebase.commitSha> variable, you can use the same variable in the CD stage to get the commit id in same pipeline after CI stage.
Will <+codebase.commitSha> variable will work in CD stage if CI stage is not present in the pipeline?
The <+codebase.commitSha> variable will not work in the CD Stage without the CI stage in the pipeline.
If user can again define clone step in the CD and will they can able to get the commidID there again without CI stage in the pipeline?
No, user can't able to get commit id in that case.
How the build pod communicates with delegate?
The delegate will communicate to the temp pod which is created by the container step through the build pod IP. The build pod have a lite engine running with port 20001.
Does harness supports pull request git statuses?
Yes harness supports pull request build validation.
For pull request build validation is there any specfic configurution need to done?
Yes, The Git connector should enabled with API access to get the git statuses and also need to enable the clone code base configurution.
Is it achieveable If user disable the option clone codebase, instead user want to use the git clone step to get the Git statuses?
No, User need to enable the clone code base configurution in the CI stage.
What is the difference between a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure and other build infrastructures?
One of the primary differences is that the Kubernetes cluster build infrastructures uses kaniko for Build and Push steps, whereas other build infrastructures use drone-docker. For more information, go to:
- Build and push artifacts and images - Kubernetes cluster build infrastructures require root access
- Which build infrastructure is right for me
Does kaniko support non-root users?
With a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure, Build and Push steps use the kaniko plugin. Kaniko requires root access to build Docker images, and it does not support non-root users. However, you can build and push with non-root users.
Can I enable root access for a single step?
If your build runs as non-root (meaning you have set runAsNonRoot: true
), you can run a specific step as root by setting Run as User to 0
in the step's settings. This setting uses the root user for this specific step while preserving the non-root user configuration for the rest of the build. This setting is not available for all build infrastructures, as it is not applicable to those build infrastructures.
How can I run Build and Push steps as root if my build infrastructure runs as non-root?
If your build is configured to run as a non-root user (meaning you have set runAsNonRoot: true
), you can run a specific step as root by setting Run as User to 0
in the step's settings. This setting uses the root user for this specific step while preserving the non-root user configuration for the rest of the build. This setting is not available for all build infrastructures, as it is not applicable to those build infrastructures.
What if my security policy doesn't allow running as root?
If your security policy strictly forbids running any step as root, you can use the buildah plugin to build and push with non-root users.
How do I configure the buildah plugin?
In your build stage settings, you must use a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure that is configured to run as non-root with anyuid SCC
(Security Context Constraints) enabled.
For information about the buildah plugin, go to Build and push with non-root users.
How do I build a Docker image in a Build and Push step from a base image from a specific registry?
Use the Base Image Connector setting to do this.
Is a Docker image is required to run scripts in CI builds with a local runner build infrastructure?
Yes. Container registry and image are always required for Run steps with a local runner build infrastructure.
What is the default clone depth setting for CI builds?
For manual builds, the default depth is 50. The git clone operation fetches the 50 most recent commits from the repository.
For automatic or scheduled triggers, the default depth is 0. The git clone operation fetches all commits from the relevant branch, providing the complete commit history.
Can I configure the codebase depth to fetch a specific number of commits?
Yes. Use the Depth setting to do this.
How can I reduce clone codebase time?
For builds triggered by pull requests, set the Pull Request Clone Strategy to Source Branch
and set Depth to 1
Which user does Harness uses to run steps like Git clone, Run, and so on?
Harness uses user 1000 by default.
Can I clone a specific sub-directory, rather than an entire repo?
Yes. For more information, go to Clone a subdirectory.
Does Harness CI support cloning Git Large File Storage?
Yes. For more information, go to Git Large File Storage.
How can I run Docker commands on a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure?
If you want to run Docker commands, Docker-in-Docker (DinD) with privileged mode is necessary when using a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure.
What should I do if my Kubernetes cluster does not support Privileged Mode?
You'll need to consider Harness Cloud or a VM (Virtual Machine) build infrastructure. These infrastructure options allow you to run Docker commands directly on the host, without the need for Privileged Mode.
How do I configure my pipeline to use EKS build infrastructure with an AWS connector that uses IRSA?
You need to set the Service Account Name in the Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure settings.
Does the Upload Artifacts to S3 step compress files before uploading them?
No. If you want to upload a compressed file, you must use a Run step to compress the artifact before uploading it.
Can I use my own secrets manager with Harness Cloud build infrastructure?
No. To use Harness Cloud build infrastructure, you must use the built-in Harness secrets manager.
With Harness Cloud build infrastructure, can GCP and Azure connectors inherit credentials from the delegate?
No. To use Harness Cloud build infrastructure, all connectors must connect through the Harness Platform.
AWS connectors with IRSA, AssumeRole, and delegate connectivity mode don't work with Harness Cloud build infrastructure.
To use Harness Cloud build infrastructure, all connectors must connect through the Harness Platform, and AWS connectors can't use IRSA or AssumeRole.
For AWS connectors, only access key authentication is supported with Harness Cloud build infrastructure.
Is rootless configuration supported for Windows build infrastructures?
No, currently this is not supported for Windows builds.
Why are build pods being evicted?
Build pods can be evicted due to CPU or memory issues in the pod or using spot instances as worker nodes. Harness CI pods shouldn't be evicted due to autoscaling.
See also: CI pods appear to be evicted by Kubernetes autoscaling
When should I specify the Priority Class for the Build stage pod in Kubernetes?
Set the priority class when you want to ensure that the Build stage pod is prioritized in cases of resource shortages on the host node.
How do I configure the Priority Class for a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure?
For information about configuring the priority class for a Kubernetes cluster build infrastructure, go to CI Build stage settings - Priority Class.
What's the default priority class level?
If you leave the Priority Class field blank, the PriorityClass
is set to the globalDefault
, if your infrastructure has one defined, or 0
, which is the lowest priority.
What happens if the Priority Class field is blank in the Build stage settings?
If you leave the Priority Class field blank, the PriorityClass
is set to the globalDefault
, if your infrastructure has one defined, or 0
, which is the lowest priority.
Is remote caching supported in Build and Push steps?
For certain build infrastructures, you can use the Remote Cache Image setting in Build and Push steps to enable remote Docker layer caching where each Docker layer is uploaded as an image to a Docker repo you identify. If the same layer is used in subsequent builds, Harness downloads the layer from the Docker repo. You can also specify the same Docker repo for multiple Build and Push steps, enabling them to share the same remote cache. This can dramatically improve build time by sharing layers across pipelines, stages, and steps.
Do Background steps have limitations?
Yes. Background steps have these limitations:
- Background steps don't support failure strategies or output variables.
- Steps running in containers can't communicate with Background steps running on Harness Cloud build infrastructure because they don't have a common host.
- If your build stage uses Harness Cloud build infrastructure and you are running a Docker image in a Background step, you must specify Port Bindings if you want to reference the Background step in a later step in the pipeline (such as in a cURL command in a Run step).
Can I run Git commands in a CI Run step?
If you need to run authenticated Git commands in a CI Run step, you must provide credentials in the Run step's script. You can also use a .netrc
file to store and recall these credentials, instead of providing them for each command.
How does a .netrc
file help execute Git commands in a CI Run step?
Creating a .netrc
file in a CI Run step provides a mechanism for storing Git credentials required for manual Git operations. It ensures that the necessary authentication information is readily available when executing Git commands in the Run step.
By using the .netrc
file, you can execute Git commands within the run step without having to provide credentials each time. Git automatically references the .netrc
file to retrieve the necessary credentials.
How can user enable the Gradle Daemon in builds?
To enable the Gradle Daemon in your Harness CI builds, you can include the --daemon
option when running Gradle commands in your build scripts. This option instructs Gradle to use the daemon process.
Can user configure service dependencies in Gradle builds?
Yes, you can configure service dependencies in Gradle builds.
How can I configure and use images from multiple Azure Container Registries (ACRs)?
To configure and use images from multiple ACRs in Harness, you need to set up individual Harness service configurations for each ACR you want to use. Within each service configuration, specify the image repository and tag from the respective ACR.
Can user mix and match images from different container registries within a single deployment?
Yes, By configuring each service with the appropriate image repository and tag details, you can seamlessly deploy applications using images from different registries in the same deployment.
What criteria does Test Intelligence use to select tests for execution in a pull request scenario?
In a pull request, TI uses the following criteria to select tests:
1) Changed code 2) Changed tests 3) New tests
What is the default user set on the windows lite-engine and addon image?
The default user set on the windows lite-engine and addon image is ContainerAdministrator
Can the default user in Windows LE/Addon images be changed?
No, the default user in Windows LE/Addon images needs to be ContainerAdministrator
because specific path and tool installations require it, and Windows does not allow setting the path otherwise.
How does ContainerAdministrator
differ from other user identities in Windows LE/Addon images?
is assigned elevated privileges similar to the root user on Linux, allowing for system-level configurations and installations within the Windows container
On navigating to the tests tab, why the call graph shows up as empty with a message stating that No call graph is created when all tests are run
The callgraph would be huge and is not shown when all tests are run (full-run or bootstrap run) because it is not useful as no test-selection was done in this case
How can I understand the relationship between code changes and the selected tests in a PR?
In the Tests
tab, the visualization graph provides insights into why each test was selected. It visually represents the relationship between the selected tests and the specific code changes in the PR
In case of multi stage pipeline, will the CI stage execution update the build status in PR even if the clone codebase option is disabled in that stage?
Yes, currently the CI stage execution updates the build status on PR even if the clone codebase option is disabled for that specific stage however there are some work in progres to improve this experience